How to use this website
- On the left side of the
page are the document links. Clicking on the links opens them in the viewer area.
Notice the arrows on some entries (folders). When clicking the folder, it expands to reveal links to other pages.
When clicking again, it collapses the folder.
When a page has been selected under a folder the folder's name will be shown in blue.
- On the right side of the
page is a large viewing area
The primarary object is a PDF viewer tool.
When you click on a link in area 1, it loads the PDF image into the
PDF viewer on the right.
- At the top of the right
viewing area is information on this document
Please notice in the center is Word and next to it is a link
to the Word Document version.
If you click on the filename your browser will prompt you for saving
this .doc file on to your computer.
- In the PDF viewer, if you
click on the disk icon in the toolbar, you can save the document as
(for those with newer versions of FireFox you may see a floating PDF
instead of the one shown above.)
Note: for those using
FireFox, if the PDF viewer seems to hang. Please press the refresh
button .
After pressing refresh FireFox should behave properly when clicking on
document links on the left.